Content:1.Application Form
2.How To Apply
4."Five question answers"
5.To be active
7.Warning System
1. Application formPlease answer following questions. Copy and paste the
questions in a new thread, answer, then simply send it away.
1. Runescape User name:
2. Real Name or what you wish to be called:
3. Age:
4. List the following Stats:
Total lvl:
5. Are you a Runescape Member? (i.e. You pay for it):
6. What Time-Zone or country + city are you in?
7. How did you find out about this clan? Use one of the following:
From a friend (who?)
From a clan member (who?)
From site advertisement (which?)
Found out myself
8. Do you agree to follow both the clan and forum [Rules] , make sure you have read the rules before answering this question:
9. Have you been in any other clans in the last three months? if so, what clan(s) and why did you leave?
10. Will you try to be active on the forums, posting at least once a day or 3-5 times a day?
3 Questions:
Q:Whats a DD - death dot:
Q:What does "fall in (persons name)" mean:
Q:How do you name call for piling and why is it important:
Points of Interest
- Forum Rules-
- Time Zone Help -
- Trial Members cannot post a donation request -
If you don't know the answers to the questions you may find them HERE.
2.How To ApplySTEP ONE:Copy the APPLICATION FORM (above) to the directed topic on the Forum.
* To copy the form, highlight the form with your mouse and press
CTR L-C (Windows & Linux)
ALT-C (Macintosh)
STEP TWO:Make a new topic by clicking on the button above this post that looks like this:
user posted image
Paste the form into your new post by pressing
CTRL-V (Windows & Linux)
ALT-V (Macintosh)
Fill out the application, scroll down, then click the button that says "Send".
3. RequirementsMelee:
100+ Combat
95+ Combat with 90+ Mage
95+ Combat with 90+ Range
4."Three Questions answers"Q:Whats a DD - death dot: Where everyone stands on the same spot.
Q:What does "fall in (name)" mean: Everyone must follow that person.
Q:How do you name call for piling and why is it important: dark alliance or da (Name), It is important as everyone should attack the same person for faster kills and less people to worry about.
5. To be ActiveFirst a small definition of what activity means: Activity means keep yourself informed about new events AND take part on events. Having communication with both leaders and other members and speaking and having fun inside the clan.
With this being said, 7 posts instead of 10 cause we are with to few to post real conversations on forum. 1 post a day means that members check the forum at least once a day which is good enough. Although, please don't feel like once you've done that one post you should go away, do browse everywhere before leaving!
If your being active on IRC, you should most certainly be at events as they are spammed regularly!
If you read the forums once a day you should be informed about events, this way we should have max opts at events!
Thank You